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Nurse Call System

Healthcare facilities such as but not limited to hospitals, clinics, birthing centers, and nursing homes require communication solutions to maximize quality of patient care, streamline caregiver workflows, and increase patient satisfaction.

With such requirement present in healthcare facilities, the Jeron Electronic Systems, Inc. developed the Provider 790 Nurse Call System with the latest technology solutions to optimize staff efficiency, accessibility, staff mobility, and availability. This turnkey solution is designed with voice over internet protocol (VoIP) technology and simple touchscreen operation allowing ease of use for both patients and health care providers. Nurses can easily manage their patients and staff workflow to ensure happier patients, ore productivity, and fewer errors.

Furthermore, the Provider 790 Nurse Call System, being Jeron’s most advanced nurse call system, is also capable for a broad spectrum of technology add-ons to support in-house wireless phone integration, smart phone alerting and communication, real time staff location, automated rounding, administrative management with reporting, workflow alerting, and many more!